jeudi 17 avril 2008


The International Movement for Africa's Development, commonly known as MIDA was brought to the baptismal font in 1987. As an NGO, its intervention is based on the providing solutions to the problems faced by sick and marginalized people. It is approved by the State under number 006747 / MFEF / TCS / April 24, 1992. II) Its purpose is to improve the living conditions of the poor, the sick and marginalized. III) Its objectives are: • Reduce to the maximum, the risk of infection of HIV / AIDS in the informal workplace, maternal and infant mortality, infection of malaria and tuberculosis. • Contribute to training, literacy training for young victims of school and illiteracy. • Reduce the factors of poverty among women, children and youth unemployed. IV) Composition of the team :MIDA's strength lies in the wealth and the homogeneity of its workforce. These are managed by the Chairman Mr.Ibrahima KEITA professor and social worker whose expertise in the NGO community has been amply demonstrated.
Based on this expertise, He is the President of the Network of NGOs of action for the family (RODAF) officially inaugurated by the Minister for Family Breda at March 28, 1995, he presided over the Council of NGOs to Fight AIDS (COSSEN-SENEGAL) for four years as a founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the National Alliance Against AIDS (ANCS) from 1994 to 2001 where he had to occupy the positions of secretary-general and vice-president. He is a member of the National Multicultural AIDS network chaired by the Prime Minister.
He was appointed as advisor in community approach at the AIDS Division of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Prevention of Senegal since 2000. He was elected Vice-Chairman of CCM / Global Fund of Senegal in 2006. Guest at the Annual General Meeting of French Popular secorits, Mr. Ibrahima KEITA was elected Executive Secretary of Paris West African Network of Associations partners for Solidarity and Development (ROAP / SD) in December 2007
He is supported in his task by management:
1 Country programme, holds a master's degree in economic science: Mr Cheikh N'Diaye;
Some different assistants Program: -- An economist (Mrs. Fatou Ndèye Aïdara) -- A wise woman (Ms. Soda Niang) -- A responsible for scoial care of, accounting and training programs (Mr. Malamine Niang) -- A financial (Ms. Friend Collé Mbaye Ngom) , Accountant and computer specialist -- A secretary, (Miss Anna Coulibaly) -- A student of economics specializing in ITC (Mr. Youssoupha Guèye).
This team is supported on the ground by supervisors and peer educators at the site level during the intervention of MIDA NGO in Dakar, Pikine, Guédiawaye, Thiès, Mbour and Guinguinéo.
Two resource persons are co-opted for capacity building . They are: -- A sociologist, Consultant / trainer (Mr. Abdou Dieng Issa) -- A gynecologist specialist in HIV / AIDS transmission from mother to child (Dr. Moctar Goumbala Kh). V) Specialization:
Against a backdrop of poverty characterized by low enrolment rate, a high rate of school, an illiteracy rate and high unemployment, most youth and women have invested in the informal sector to take economical benefit. Other girls and women affected by the rural exodus engaged in the regional capitals in domestic work with all the risks that they face in relation to HIV / AIDS infection.
The NGO MIDA aware of the vulnerability of these people who have a small business in the streets or homes where they are not well considered has been involved and committed for 15 fifteen years ground work and intervention in the informal economy.
Also, many adult men and women dropt out of school for exercising a non-formal business are also supervised by MIDA.
The main targets of MIDA are as follows:
-- Apprentices craft businesses: mechanics, sheet metal workers, tailors, carpenters and so on. -- Girls , domestic workers house wifes; -- Women traders -- Drivers, merchants, apprentices , car washers and other users of bus stations, railway station and ferry terminal, and the physically disabled community. VI) METHODOLOGY
The approach used by the MIDA is participatory. It is based on empowerment of the targeted community for better care of their health needs and training, a better valuation at emergency. The strategies that are used by MIDA to achieve its objectives include education by pairs, IEC outreach, distribution of IEC materials and condoms, the reference to the service delivery points, generational dialogue, learning trades basics and literacy action. The field activities are conducted by trained relays. These are contained in reports filed by the secretariat of MIDA. For efficiency and the proper execution of the activities, the relays are followed in the field by supervisors. They are in charge of carrying programme at the end of each month in the preparation of a synthesis report of activities to submit monthly to MIDA coordinator. They are supported in their work by program assistants . A timetable for implementing planned activities is developed in a participatory manner among fieldworkers MIDA and the target groups.
The Oversight review are held quarterly by the entire staff of MIDA. VII) THE INTERVENTION OF MIDA: • Dakar: Businesses or craft workshops, bus stations, railway station and • major markets. • Pikine: Zone craft - Bus Station - Train station, Market is Weekly action.• Guédiawaye: Village artisanal - Companies craft or Workshops - Market Weekly • Thiès: Bus Station - Train station, or craft workshops Companies • Mbour: Bus Station - Quai fishing, crafts and workshops Enterprises, hoteliers. • Guinguinéo: Train station - Bus Station, Trade businesses or workshops. • Possibility of extension to new areas and sites of intervention VIII) Areas of work and achievements of NGOs
in the fight against AIDS 1. IEC / BCC in the middle of informal work • 92-94: 3500 people living with AIDS helped in cooperation with partner NAP • 95-96: 5342 apprentices affected were trained with the partner AIDSCAP • 96-97: 4810 apprentices affected helped with the partner ANCS • 98: 124 people living taken in charge with the partner SDID • 98-99: 2430 maids affected helped with the partner UNICEF • 2000: 1450 apprentices and maids affected helped with the partner PDIS • 2001-2003: 1762 apprentices and maids affected helped with the partner FHI • 2005: 5000 drivers, women traders, apprentices, users of the bus and the pier of the Autonomous Port of Dakar affected were trained with the CELCO PST2 partner and the Ministry of Equipment and Transport. 2) Contractualisation • 1989-1990: 100 Contractualisation with CBOs in the Dakar region for mobilising women within the EPI (see letters of appreciation to UNICEF and the region's medical Dakar). • 2006-2007: Contractualisation with 40 CBOs in the programme to combat malaria 3) Networking • 96-97: Created by MIDA of 33 CBOs in the area of Beaver, and Grand Yoff Sicap the benefit of the ANCS • 2005: Assistance for the establishment of a national network of women traders with 38880 members whose headquarters is at Liberty at 6 . It is chaired by Mrs.Adja Fatou Touré. • Establishment of a sub-regional network of women traders fighting AIDS in 2008 with members and representative in 7 seven countries of the sub-region.4) Training: • 800 community leaders and health officials were trained by MIDA in micro technology in 1999. • 750 members of CBOs have been trained by MIDA in IEC / BCC / AIDS • 50 relay women traders were trained by MIDA in IEC / AIDS • 140 young people were trained by MIDA in computer science and accounting in 1996. 5) Advocacy: • 79 craft entrepreneurs were sensitized by MIDA for their adherence to the NGO projects • 25 leaders of women traders have been sensitized by MIDA for being involved in the fight against AIDS. • 5 heads of bus stations were implicated by MIDA in the fight against AIDS. • 1 Senior ferry port (pier CSA) has been alerted by MIDA for his involvement in the fight against AIDS. • 25 imams, 45 community leaders, 54 local elected officials have been subjected to a strong advocacy MIDA to combat stigma and discrimination against PLWHA and vulnerable groups. 6) Support: Number of people living with HIV were trained by MIDA in technical planning and IEC / AIDS. The person responsible for the care of PLWHA of MIDA, accounting training benefits of eight (8) years of experience ARCAD / AIDS in Bamako,Mali (Mr. Malamine Niang). MIDA has been adopted HIV-infected women by women traders who have learned the trade and have funded.

1 commentaire:

Tara Omar a dit…

La maladie du vih au cours des 3 dernières années et des douleurs difficiles à manger et la toux sont des cauchemars, en particulier la première année. À ce stade, le système immunitaire est sévèrement affaibli et le risque de contracter des infections opportunistes est beaucoup plus grand. Cependant, tous les séropositifs ne développeront pas le sida. Plus tôt vous recevrez un traitement, meilleur sera votre résultat. J'ai commencé à prendre des antirétroviraux pour éviter une mort prématurée, mais je croyais en Dieu qui me guérirait un jour. En tant que brevet pour le VIH, nous vous conseillons de prendre des traitements antirétroviraux pour réduire nos chances de transmission du virus à d'autres personnes, il y a quelques semaines, je suis allé à la recherche sur Internet si je pouvais obtenir des informations sur le traitement du VIH par la phytothérapie. Sur ma recherche, j'ai vu le témoignage d'une personne qui avait été guérie du VIH et qui s'appelait Achima Abelard. et un autre brevet concernant le virus de l’herpès, Tasha Moore, témoignant à propos de ce même homme, appelé le Dr Itua Herbal Center.J'ai été ému par le témoignage et je l'ai contacté par son adresse Nous avons bavardé et il m'a envoyé une bouteille de la médecine je l'ai bu comme il me l'avait demandé. Après l'avoir bu, il me demande de passer un test pour savoir comment j'ai mis fin à ma vie de brevet d'invention du VIH, je suis guéri et libre d'Arv Pills. Je lui en serai toujours reconnaissant. Drituaherbalcenter .Ici son numéro de contact +234 8149277967 ... Il m'assure qu'il peut guérir la maladie suivante..Virus, Cancer, Virus de l'herpès, Maladie de Lyme, Épilepsie, Cancer de la vessie, Cancer colorectal, Cancer du rein, Cancer du rein, Leucémie, Cancer du poumon, Lymphome non hodgkinien, Peau Cancer, Lupus, Cancer utérin, Cancer de la prostate, Fibromyalgie, SLA, Hépatite, CTPD, Maladie de Parkinson. Maladie génétique, Fibrodysplasie, Fibrodysplasie évolutive, Syndrome de toxicité pour la fluoroquinolone, Syndrome de toxicité du foie / du rein, Inflammation des hommes et des femmes, Maladie , Diabète, fibromes ...